Online Training

Online Training - Webinar Archive

Need to access training that fits your schedule? Online training is here when you need it. Hear and see the same training and Q&A session as the live event then take the test to complete for credit hours in the CMO Program. Review trainings below and click on the selected course to register. Each training is $45 with credit card payment required at the time of registration. Payments are securely processed by PayPal.  All major credit cards are accepted. A PayPal account is not required.  Click on the 'Proceed to PayPal" button. Then select Pay with a credit or debit card.

Once payment is submitted and processed, registrants receive a confirmation / webinar credentials email immediately (sent to the email on the registration form).  IF not received in the email inbox, check SPAM, JUNK or CLUTTER folders for the email.

CMO Credit Hours: Successful completion of the accompanying test (70% score) qualifies for one (1) credit hour in the Core Curriculum, Basic, Advanced or Emeritus levels of the Certified Municipal Official Program (CMO). See course listings below to identify required and elective core curriculum courses.

Who can register for Online Trainings: Municipal employees may register for an Online Training; however, only elected officials (mayors and councilmembers) will be awarded credit hours in the CMO Program.

NOTE: Credit hours from from completed coursework are posted at month end.  Credit hours are not immediately reflected in a CMO Program Transcript until the month following test submission.

Required Core Curriculum Trainings  

Officials enrolled in the basic level of the Certified Municipal Official Training Program after October 2012 are required to complete a core curriculum of ten (10) hours comprised of eight (2) hours of required topics. These topics are listed below and available through Anytime Training.

Duties of the Mayor and Council

Description: One of the most misunderstood aspects of municipal government is the separation of powers between the mayor and the council. Like government on the state and federal levels, municipal government is divided into three separate but equal branches: executive, legislative and judicial. Each of these branches has distinct duties and powers and restrictions on how far it can intrude into the affairs of the other branches. This session provides a detailed overview of the duties of the mayor and council. 

One (1) credit hour in the Basic, Advanced or Emeritus program.  This also meets one (1) required core curriculum credit in the Basic Program. Credit hours are not awarded for duplicate core curriculum training. 

General Powers of Municipalities

Description: Municipalities are delegated a portion of the sovereign powers of the state for the welfare and protection of their inhabitants and the general public within their jurisdictional areas. All powers, property, and offices of a municipal corporation constitute a public trust to be administered as such within the intent and purposes of the statutes which created them and within the limitations imposed by the state and federal Constitutions.

One (1) credit hour in the Basic, Advanced or Emeritus program. This also meets one (1) required core curriculum credit in the Basic Program. Credit hours are not awarded for duplicate core curriculum training.

Elective Core Curriculum Trainings

Officials enrolled in the basic level of the Certified Municipal Official Training Program after October 2012 are required to complete a core curriculum of ten (10) hours comprised of eight (8) hours of elective topics from an approved list. Listed below are the topics available through Anytime Training.

Annexation and De-annexation of Municipal Property

Description: Municipalities have the power to expand their corporate limits to bring new territory into the municipality. This session discusses the laws and procedures that municipal officials must be aware of when they consider whether to extend the municipal corporate limits.

One (1) credit hour in the Basic, Advanced or Emeritus program. This also meets one (1) elective core curriculum credit in the Basic Program. Credit hours are not awarded for duplicate core curriculum training. 

Authority to Expend Municipal Funds

Description: Section 94 of the Alabama Constitution, 1901 prohibits a municipality from lending its credit, or to granting public money or thing of value in aid of, or to any individual, association or corporation whatsoever, unless the appropriation will serve a public purpose. Section 94.01 of the Alabama Constitution, 1901 grants specific authority to counties and municipalities to lend credit to or grant public funds and things of value to any individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity, public or private, for the purpose of promoting the economic or industrial development of the county or municipality.(CMO).

One (1) credit hour in the Basic, Advanced or Emeritus program. This also meets one (1) elective core curriculum credit in the Basic Program. Credit hours are not awarded for duplicate core curriculum training.

Basic Parliamentary Procedure

Description: Parliamentary law or procedure is the enacted rules and recognized usages which govern the procedure of legislative assemblies and other deliberative bodies. Parliamentary law is also more simply defined as the code of rules and ethics for working together in groups. This webinar will address Basic Parliamentary Procedure and how members of the municipal governing body can present, consider and conduct municipal business with efficiency. This webinar and successful completion of the test qualifies as an elective core curriculum course in the Certified Municipal Official Program (CMO).

One (1) credit hour in the Basic, Advanced or Emeritus program. This also meets one (1) elective core curriculum credit in the Basic Program. Credit hours are not awarded for duplicate core curriculum training. 

Conflicting Offices and Interests

Description:  Problems with the legal incompatibility of offices and conflicts of interest are troublesome subjects which nag municipal officials and public employees throughout their respective terms. This webinar will provide a summary of constitutional and statutory provisions dealing with the compatibility of offices and conflicts of interest together with a collection of related opinions from the Attorney General and the courts. This webinar and successful completion of the test qualifies as an elective core curriculum course in the Certified Municipal Official Program (CMO).

One (1) credit hour in the Basic, Advanced or Emeritus program. This also meets one (1) elective core curriculum credit in the Basic Program. Credit hours are not awarded for duplicate core curriculum training. 

Council Meeting Procedure

Description: Cities and towns under the mayor-council form of government express themselves through the council, which is their legislative assembly. Rules of procedure are as necessary for a municipal council as they are for the state Legislature or the Congress of the United States. This session provides a detailed overview of the statutory provisions bearing upon the procedure of municipal councils and opinions which have been decided on procedural questions and recommendations for rules to be adopted by councils.

One (1) credit hour in the Basic, Advanced or Emeritus program.  This also meets one (1) elective core curriculum credit in the Basic Program.  Credit hours are not awarded for duplicate core curriculum training. 

Municipal Liability

Description: Unlike state government, municipalities do not benefit from the doctrine of Sovereign Immunity – a doctrine based on the idea that the King (government) can do no wrong. Instead, municipalities have rather limited immunities and monetary recovery caps available to them and their officers and employees when sued in tort. This webinar provides a general overview of municipal liability. This webinar and successful completion of the test (70%) qualifies as an elective core curriculum course in the Certified Municipal Official Program (CMO). 

One (1) credit hour in the Basic, Advanced or Emeritus program. This also meets one (1) elective core curriculum credit in the Basic Program. Credit hours are not awarded for duplicate core curriculum training. 

The Municipal Budgeting Process

Description: A municipal budget is the financial and administrative compass for the executive, administrative and legislative agencies of the municipality. It is also a means of assuring adequacy of municipal services in the most efficient manner. This webinar session will discuss Alabama laws relating to municipal budgets and procedures generally followed in preparing a budget, the adoption of the budget, and reporting throughout the fiscal year. This webinar and successful completion of the test (70%) qualifies as an elective core curriculum course in the Certified Municipal Official Program (CMO). 

One (1) credit hour in the Basic, Advanced or Emeritus program.  This also meets one (1) elective core curriculum credit in the Basic Program.  Credit hours are not awarded for duplicate core curriculum training. 

Public Records

Description: Alabama's Public Records laws gives Alabama citizens the right to access municipal public records. The purpose of Alabama's Public Records laws is so that citizens can know the business and activities of public officers. This webinar discusses access to municipal public records and the exceptions to the privilege of a citizen to view those records. This webinar and successful completion of the test (70%) qualifies as an elective core curriculum course in the Certified Municipal Official Program (CMO). Any municipal employee may register, but only elected official will be awarded credit hours in the CMO Program.

One (1) credit hour in the Basic, Advanced or Emeritus program.  This also meets one (1) elective curriculum credit in the Basic Program.  Credit hours are not awarded for duplicate core curriculum training. 

Sources of Revenue for Cities and Towns

Description: The principal source of revenue for Alabama cities and towns comes from their statutory grant of authority to tax businesses or trades, occupations or professions. Other sources of revenue include sales and use taxes, ad valorem taxes, permit fees, licenses, parking meter fees, franchises, state-shared revenues, occupational license taxes, and intergovernmental revenues such as federal grants and loans.

One (1) credit hour in the Basic, Advanced or Emeritus program. This also meets one (1) elective core curriculum credit in the Basic Program. Credit hours are not awarded for duplicate core curriculum training.

The Open Meetings Act

Description: United States Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis once stated that, “Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants.” In that spirit, Alabama law requires municipal officials to comply with the Alabama Open Meetings Act (OMA) when meeting so that members of the public can observe their elected and appointed officials as they conduct public business. This session provides a detailed overview of the OMA to help you comply with this complex law.

One (1) credit hour in the Basic, Advanced or Emeritus program. This also meets one (1) elective core curriculum credit in the Basic Program. Credit hours are not awarded for duplicate core curriculum training. 

The Public Purpose Doctrine

Description: The Public Purpose Doctrine prohibits public funds from being used to aid private individuals and corporations unless it serves a public purpose. This webinar will provide a summary of the Public Purpose Doctrine and the factors used to determine if an expenditure serves a public purpose as required by Section 94 of the Alabama Constitution, 1901.

One (1) credit hour in the Basic, Advanced or Emeritus program. This also meets one (1) elective core curriculum credit in the Basic Program. Credit hours are not awarded for duplicate core curriculum training.  

Working with Municipal Boards

Description: Most municipalities in Alabama have created some sort of board, be it a library or park board or a utility board of some sort. There are many types of boards under Alabama Law. This webinar will help municipal officials understand the legal do’s and dont’s when creating and working with these various boards. This webinar and successful completion of the test (70%) qualifies as an elective core curriculum course in the Certified Municipal Official Program (CMO). Any municipal employee may register, but only elected official will be awarded credit hours in the CMO Program.

One (1) credit hour in the Basic, Advanced or Emeritus program. This also meets one (1) elective core curriculum credit in the Basic Program. Credit hours are not awarded for duplicate core curriculum training.

Zoning in Alabama

Description: One of the most frequently questioned areas of municipal operation involves zoning. This session reviews the laws and procedures you must know when zoning, planning or rezoning your municipality. This webinar and successful completion of the test qualifies as an elective core curriculum course in the Certified Municipal Official Program (CMO).

One (1) credit hour in the Basic, Advanced or Emeritus program.  This also meets one (1) elective core curriculum credit in the Basic Program.  Credit hours are not awarded for duplicate core curriculum training. 

Non-Core Curriculum Training

These topics are available for general credit hours only in the basic, advanced and emeritus programs. NOTE: these topics ARE NOT required or elective core topics and do not meet core curriculum requirements in the basic level.

Advocacy 101 ALM Standing Committee Overview

Description: Our members are the most effective advocates on local issues. It is essential that legislators hear from YOU - their constituents – during policy making decisions. The webinar will focus on several resources, as well as best practices that will assist you in making sure your voice is heard, whether at the State House or during hometown visits. Included is a review of ALM’s Standing Committees.

Registration Fee (non-refundable): $45.00 - Payment required with credit card at time of registration.

NOTE: Registrants receive webinar credentials by email. Check spam, junk or clutters folders if emails are not received in the registrant’s inbox.

CMO Credit: This webinar and successful completion of the accompanying test (70%) is approved for one half (0.5) credit hour in the Basic, Advanced or Emeritus programs. Any municipal official may register, but only elected officials will be awarded credit hours in the CMO Program.

Conducting Public Hearings

Description: Regardless of the reason for conducting a public hearing, municipal officials can rest assured that the people who attend and speak at a public hearing will not all sing from the same hymnal. Disagreements are to be expected. It can be difficult for municipalities to balance the rights of the public to voice their opinions and concerns with the need to conduct an orderly, efficient and fair hearing. This webinar will address some of the best practices for finding this balance.

One (1) credit hour in the Basic, Advanced or Emeritus program.  This training does not meet a core curriculum requirement in the Basic Program. 

Ransomware: How to protect yourself and your City.

Description: Reports of ransomware have continued to increase in recent years. In 2018, ransomware generated more than 1 billion dollars for criminals. In this session we will discuss what ransomware is and best practices to keep yourself and your city safe from it and other cyber-threats.

One (1) credit hour in the Basic, Advanced or Emeritus program. This training does not meet a core curriculum requirement in the Basic Program.

Want to Improve your City or Town? It’s all about relationships.

Description: Join former ADECA Director and former Prattville mayor Jim Byard as he discusses best practices for enhancing the quality of life experience in your municipality!

One (1) credit hour in the Basic, Advanced or Emeritus program. This training does not meet a core curriculum requirement in the Basic Program.